ALC. 4.7%
Inspired by the Golden Ale recipe, a low fermentation English style, with a strongly malty taste. The profits are donated to the Celocelo Food, a non-profit organization which collects the unsold meals from the shops in the neighborhood and distributes them in shopping bags to families in difficulty.
biova bread beer san salvario
waste will have
no quarter

biova bread beer milan

One beer - actually three beers - made with unsold bread from the bakers of the city of Milan. ​
These are La Gialla, La Rossa and La Verde - three references of craft beer made with bread that, at the end of the day, remained unsold on the shelves.
ALC. 4.7%
Biova Bread Beer Lago di Como is born from the unsold bread of the bakers of Lake Como. A craft beer that fights food waste and has a unique taste: the smell of bread and the taste of salt. This beer is produced with bread recovered at km 0 and donated by Confcommercio Como bakers.
biova bread beer lago di como
together against waste
scopri il progetto

ALC. 4.7%
In collaboration with RICIBO, a non-profit organization operating in the Genoese territory, Biova Bread Beer Liguria was born. A light beer, with a touch of flavor and the fantastic taste of the Genoese baking tradition. Part of the incoming from the sale will go to RICIBO to finance other projects to combat food waste directly in the area.
exclusively for Liguria
biova bread beer liguria
nothing is thrown away from bread

ALC. 5.0%
In collaboration with RADICI onlus, Biova Bread Beer Campania is born. The smell of bread, the taste of salt, in a German-style lager beer. Part of the incoming from the sale will go to RADICI to finance other projects to combat food waste directly in the area.
distributed exclusively by nirvana srl
biova bread beer campania
campania bread is not wasted, it is drunk

ALC. 4.7%
Biova Veneto is born, a circular beer made with 170 kg of unsold bread by the Veneto bread producers. Thanks to the presence of bread, 40% barley malt was saved for brewing this Koltch-inspired lager. The Paduan distributor Comunian has embraced the philosophy of the project and promotes the diffusion of the product throughout the Veneto region.
biova bread beer veneto
in veneto bread is not wasted, it is drunk
distributed exclusively by comunian

ALC. 4.7%
Biova Bergamo is the craft beer made with 140 kg of unsold bread by the Bergamo bread producers. As in all our recipes, thanks to the presence of bread, 40% of barley malt was saved for the brewing of this Koltch-inspired beer. This beer is produced with bread recovered at km 0 and donated by the associated Aspan bakers.